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International Film Festival 


                       Here's what you need to know

                     ABOUT YOUR SCREENPLAYS

FULL-LENGTH SCREENPLAY will receive 1 Page of  NOTES

- All screenplays must be submitted as a PDF, and the screenplay must be submitted by the writer of the project or an authorized party. A project over 50 pages is considered a feature. Your script must be written in English, Spanish, or Italian. 

Stage plays are also accepted.


- All female and female-identifying writers and mix-gender writing teams can enter. Your story also qualifies if it shows a woman's agency or highlights women's issues. Additionally, all LGBTQ writers can enter their stories, and stories about the LBGTQ community are welcome. 

Early Bird Deadline

December 23rd thru December 31st $40 USD

Regular Deadline 

January1st thru February 27th $45 USD

Spring Into Gear 

February 28th thru March 19th $45 USD

Halfway Home

March 20th - April 14th $55 USD


April 15th -May 14th $65 USD


May 15th - June 3rd $70 USD


​June 4th - June 8th $75 USD

SHORT SCREENPLAY will receive 1 Page of  NOTES

- All screenplays must be submitted as a PDF, and the screenplay must be submitted by the writer of the project or an authorized party. Page count must not exceed 50 pages. Your script must be written in English, Italian, or Spanish. 

Stage plays are also accepted. 

- All female and female-identifying writers can enter and mix-gender writing teams can enter. Your story also qualifies if it shows a woman's agency or highlights women's issues. Additionally, all LGBTQ writers can enter their stories and stories about the LBGTQ community are welcome.


Early Bird Deadline

December 23rd thru December 31st $30 USD

Regular Deadline 

January1st thru February 27th $35 USD

Spring Into Gear 

February 28th thru March 19th $45 USD

Halfway Home

March 20th - April 14th $50 USD


April 15th -May 14th $55 USD


May 15th - June 3rd $60 USD


​June 4th - June 8th $65 USD

The Her Vision International Film Festival proudly accepts entries on FilmFreeway, the world's #1 way to enter film festivals and creative contests.



- As for Shorts: A 1 to 49 minute film will be considered a short.  

- Music VideosCommercials, half hour or 23 minute TV Pilots, and Web Series are also eligible for short film consideration.

- All languages are encouraged to submit, but if your film is non-English speaking, then English subtitles are mandatory.


- Feature length: 40 minutes to 2 hours + TV pilots and Web pilots that are 43 minutes or longer will qualify in this category. 

- All female and female-identifying directors can enter their work.

- Mix-gender production teams are also encouraged to enter their projects.  Your film also qualifies if it shows a woman's agency or highlights women's issues.

- All LGBTQ directors and writers can enter their films and films about the LBGTQ community are welcome. 

- All languages are encouraged to submit, but if your film is non-English speaking, then English  subtitles are mandatory. 


Early Bird Deadline

December 23rd thru December 31st $40 USD

Regular Deadline 

January1st thru February 27th $45 USD

Spring Into Gear 

February 28th thru March 19th $50 USD

Halfway Home

March 20th - April 14th $55 USD


April 15th -May 14th $60 USD


May 15th - June 3rd $65 USD


​June 4th - June 8th $70 USD


- Feature length: 40 minutes to 2 hours + TV pilots and Web pilots that are 43 minutes or longer will qualify in this category. 

- All female and female-identifying directors can enter their work.

- Mix-gender production teams are also encouraged to enter their projects.  Your film also qualifies if it shows a woman's agency or highlights women's issues.

- All LGBTQ directors and writers can enter their films and films about the LBGTQ community are welcome. 

- All languages are encouraged to submit, but if your film is non-English speaking, then English  subtitles are mandatory. 


Early Bird Deadline

December 23rd thru December 31st $15 USD

Regular Deadline 

January1st thru February 27th $20 USD

Spring Into Gear 

February 28th thru March 19th $30 USD

Halfway Home

March 20th - April 14th $40 USD


April 15th -May 14th $45 USD


May 15th - June 3rd $50 USD


​June 4th - June 8th $60 USD

-Winners will be selected in eight categories:

-Best Feature Length Screenplay

-Best Short Screenplay

-Best Feature Narrative

-Best Short Narrative

-Best Feature Length Documentary

-Best Short Documentary

-Best Animated Feature Length

-Best Animated Short Film

The Her Vision Film Festival proudly accepts entries on FilmFreeway, the world's #1 way to enter film festivals and creative contests.


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أي أسئلة ، بريد إلكتروني: 

Screenplay and Film
Submission Guidelines

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